Le Chevalier D'Eon is a Japanese anime television series based on an original story by Tow Ubukata. The story follows D'Eon de Beaumont, who investigates the mysterious death of his sister and the strange disappearances of French women. Accompanied by a young boy named Robin, a gentleman named Durand, and his old master Teillagory, they travel across France, Russia, and England to uncover the truth and the Royal Psalms. The series explores themes of contradictions and the struggle to find happiness in 18th-century France. Le Chevalier D'Eon received praise for its art design and animation, with stunning backgrounds and well-choreographed sword fights. However, the storyline received mixed reviews, with some finding it confusing and delivered too rapidly. The series was released as a novel, manga, and anime simultaneously, each offering a different interpretation of the story and protagonist. The manga's storyline differs significantly from the anime, focusing on D'Eon de Beaumont as a police officer dealing with a cult that sacrifices virgins for rituals. Overall, Le Chevalier D'Eon offers a unique historical setting and an exploration of complex themes.