Desire (ヤバイ気持ち, Yabai Kimochi) is a yaoi manga written by Maki Kazumi and illustrated by Yukine Honami. It was published in October 2004 by Digital Manga Publishing, Inc. A novelisation, called Desire: Dangerous Feelings was also produced. The story is about Toru, a shy high school student who has a crush on Ryoji, a popular member of the high school swimming team. Toru hides his feelings and pretends to be just friends with Ryoji. However, everything changes when Ryoji makes an indecent proposal to Toru. As the story progresses, Toru realizes that his affair with Ryoji was based on curiosity, not genuine romantic attraction. Toru confides in his friend Kashiwazaki and they decide to pretend to be in a relationship to discover Ryoji's true intentions. This leads to a love triangle between Toru, Ryoji, and Kashiwazaki. Desire has been praised for its portrayal of teenage emotions and its non-stereotypical seme-uke relationship. The manga sold 6,000 copies and won an American Library Association award in the Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults division.