Confidential Confessions


Confidential Confessions is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Reiko Momochi. It addresses hard-hitting issues faced by real-life teenagers, including teen prostitution, rape, HIV, stalkers, suicide, and sexual harassment. The story follows Manatsu, a high school girl who befriends a bullied girl named Asparagus and together they create a suicide pact. However, Manatsu realizes she doesn't want to die and begs Asparagus to save her. Tragically, Asparagus decides to jump instead, leaving Manatsu with a renewed appreciation for life. The manga received mixed reviews, with praise for its realistic depictions and tackling of serious issues. The art style deviates from traditional Japanese girl comics, and the series garnered attention for its controversial content. A sequel, Confidential Confessions: Deai, focuses on Rika and her involvement in the deai-kei industry. The sequel also received mixed reviews, with criticisms of lacking emotional connection and discarding previously successful elements. Despite the mixed reception, Confidential Confessions gained popularity and Volume 5 ranked on ICv2's 'Top 100 Graphic Novels' list.